A Clock Number is a unique code for TV Ads in the UK.
Advertiser / Agencies are responsible for creating the Clock Number, with ClearCast allocating the Agency code within the Clock number. ClearCast manages Clearance for TV Ads in the UK.
The format of the Clock Number is a follows...
Agency = 3 character code for the Agency
Advertiser = 2 character code for the Advertiser
Product = 2 character code for the Product
Version = 3 digits for the version number
Duration = 3 digits for the duration in seconds
Long Form content / Infomercials
Long Form content / Infomercials are adverts with a duration of over 3 minutes.
The usual durations are 720, 1770 or 1800 seconds (12mins, 29,5mins and 30mins).
The format of the Clock Number for Long Form / Infomercials is essentially the same as for TV Commercials, with the exception that the Version part is only 2 digits long and Duration part is 4 digits long. This is to accommodate for the longer duration of LongForm / Infomercial content.
Agency = 3 character code for the Agency
Advertiser = 2 character code for the Advertiser
Product = 2 character code for the Product
Version = 2 digits for the version number
Duration = 4 digits for the duration in seconds
Please Note: Once an Ad has been sent to a broadcaster a Clock Number cannot be re-used for different content. If any changes are made and the Ad needs to be resupplied then a new clock number will be required.
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