The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) levels are outside of the accepted range.
Chrominance refers to the colour range of the Video. If the colour range is too wide TV screens will not be able to display the image correctly and there will be distortion.
Please check the Peach Connect File Specifications required for the region and Ad type you are trying to upload.
The file should be re-exported from the Edit Suite with a Colour Filter or Limiter applied to the timeline or on export.
Our Peach Connect Export Guides can help you ensure your settings are correct when exporting files.
The colour range (Gamut) is measured according to the EBU R103 recommendation
Chroma = Level 16-240, equivalent to maximum 100% RGB
1 comment
Can you explain the units that you reference in your illegal colour level rejection notices?
Example rejection notes:
Blue High Gamut Failure 13
EBU R103 Blue Level Too Low (min- 11) -14
How do the numbers in the rejection notices relate to the allowable 16-240 8-bit chroma range cited in this article?
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