In order to ensure that crawling text is interlaced in your video (ie. moving field by field), please follow the steps below:
- Export the video in a high quality format without the crawling text
- Create a new sequence in your editing software
- Ensure that this sequence meets Peach Connect standards (follow the sequence settings instructions in the Export Guide of the software of your choosing)
- Import your freshly exported video without the crawling text into your new sequence
Warning: if the software offers you to change the settings of your sequence -> REFUSE - the settings must be aligned with Peach Connect standards and not with your previously exported file
- Re-create your crawling text from this new sequence as a text element (DO NOT import the existing crawling text element)
- Export your file with your new interlaced scrolling banner by following our Export Guides
Note for Adobe Premiere Pro users: before exporting click on the newly created crawling text clip in the timeline to select it, then right-click and choose "Field Options". From the Field Options window menu, select "None".
Please note: Once exported, you can check whether the crawling text is indeed interlaced on your exported video file by following the guide below, and by making the upper and lower fields visible alternately on Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve.
How to make interlaced fields (upper/lower) visible separately in Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve
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